Remote Development WSL VS Code Extension

By: Roel
July 23, 2024

Remote Development WSL VS Code Extension

When you are opening your applications in Ubuntu via WSL, you will not be able to use extensions of your VS code you previously installed. That is because you are running an containerized environment.

To keep your VS Code Extension intact when running applications in Ubuntu WSL, install the WSL extension pack of Remote Development VS Code extension

Otherwise you are going to start installing those VS code extensions again and that is redundancy. By installing this extension, whatever configurations and extensions you are running on your local windows machine, its going to apply with projects opened via Ubuntu WSL

About the Author


Hi, my name is Roel. I am a TALL stack developer. I created this site to document all web applications I created using the TALL stack. I exclusively built products using Laravel because I like the experience writing applications using the simplest framework/stack available.

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