TALL Stack Archives

Best Flowbite Blocks You Can Use to Speed Up Development

           I have been using Flowbite for 2 years for the front-end side of my Laravel application. It is one of the most popular Tailwind component library that speeds up your applications.  One feature of Flowbite that really stands out for me are the blocks components. You can think of blocks as a combination ...

Best DB Browser for SQLite

SQLite is a popular, lightweight database engine widely used in mobile apps, desktop applications, and small to medium web projects. Managing SQLite databases effectively requires a robust and user-friendly tool. In this blog, we explore some of the best SQLite browsers that can significantly enhance your database mana ...

How to use modal included in Laravel Jetstream installati

Laravel Jetstream includes two modals in the components after installation, namely confirmation-modal and dialog-modal. Both components, use the modal component (modal.blade.php) located in the components folder. I am going to discuss the use case of each and how you would use it in your laravel application. 1. Confir ...

How to set alias for php artisan in Windows

I’m going to share my experience setting aliases for common Laravel commands in Windows. As developers, our main goal is to automate things so we could save time for ourselves and for other people. Running php artisan commands over and over again can be a bit annoying so I’m going to share how I finally able to typ ...

Tailwind and Alpine JS Component Libraries

In this post, I am going to share Tailwind and Alpine JS component libraries that I have used. There are plenty of Tailwind libraries out there but I only found one that is paired Alpine JS. I will keep updating this post once I find other cool libraries. As a TALL stack developer, I prefer the combination of Tailwind ...

How to add reCAPTCHA to Laravel

Laravel applications are not exempted from registration spams. Once bots find your forms, they are going to  populate your users table non-stop. One of the most effective ways to protect your Laravel app from spam and abuse is by integrating reCAPTCHA. This powerful tool helps distinguish between human and automated a ...

Resolving PHP Version Conflicts with Laravel Herd and XAM

In the world of PHP development, managing different PHP versions can be a common but frustrating issue, especially when using multiple development environments. Recently, I encountered a scenario where my local development setup was showing an incorrect PHP version, causing some confusion and hindering my development p ...

2 Non-Programming Books That Changed My Life

Coding is challenging. You can spend days solving a single bug. Most of the times it’s not actually you. It’s not that you lack foundation on a programming language or framework. And definitely not an advanced topic  you need from books or watch from YouTube. Sometimes it just about changing and developing some h ...

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