TALL Stack Tools

Remote Development WSL VS Code Extension

Remote Development WSL VS Code ExtensionWhen you are opening your applications in Ubuntu via WSL, you will not be able to use extensions of your VS code you previously installed. That is because you are running an containerized environment.To keep your VS Code Extension intact when running applications in Ubuntu WSL, i ...

reCAPTCHA for Laravel

Currently active and the most popular package to add reCAPTCHA form in your Laravel application. Check on this quick guide on how to set this up. Easily render the reCAPTCHA on the front-end with this blade code. {!! NoCaptcha::renderJs() !!} {!! NoCaptcha::display() !!} ...


Mailtrap is a vital tool tailored for developers and teams engaged in local development of applications that involve sending emails. It operates as a secure virtual SMTP server environment, allowing developers to reroute their application's outgoing emails for thorough testing and debugging. This setup ensures that dev ...

Laravel Blade Formatter

Laravel Blade Formatter  is a powerful Visual Studio Code extension tailored specifically for developers working with Laravel Blade templates. This extension automates the process of formatting Blade files, ensuring your code is consistently clean, organized, and readable. By adhering to a set of predefined formatting ...

Tailwind Typography

Normally you don't have control how contents are rendered from Editors. In FilamentPHP, administrators are given option to use either the Rich Editor or the Markdown Editor. CSS designs generated from these editors cannot be edited but you can use a pre-set Tailwind designs generated by the Tailwind Typography plugin t ...

Laravel IDE Helper

The barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper package generates helper files that enable IDEs to provide accurate autocompletion, type hinting, and class reflection for Laravel applications. This improves developer productivity by making code more understandable and easi ...

Spatie Slug Generator

Spatie Laravel Sluggable is a package for Laravel that generates unique slugs for Eloquent models. A slug is a simplified version of a string, typically used in URLs to create more readable and SEO-friendly links. This package ensures that the slugs are unique, cus ...

Pines UI

Pines UI is a Tailwind and Alpine Js component library. If you are looking for a Tailwind component library paired with Alpine JS to provide dynamic interface, this is the library you need. Most Tailwind components are paired with popular Javascript frameworks like React and Vue JS but if you are developing TALL stack ...

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