No. You don't have to include @livewireStyles and @livewireScripts in Livewire 3

By: Roel
July 21, 2024

No. You don't have to include @livewireStyles and   @livewireScripts in Livewire 3

Livewire 2:


   {{ $slot }}


Livewire 3:



   {{ $slot }}


For some reason, I had an encounter where removing the @livewireStyles and @livewireScripts cause unexplainable error. For example using 

<div wire:loading wire:target="photo">Uploading...</div>

This will show "Uploading ... " even though photo property is not being updated. So just include @livewireStyles and @livewireScripts in your layouts files. Doesn't take much.


About the Author


Hi, my name is Roel. I am a TALL stack developer. I created this site to document all web applications I created using the TALL stack. I exclusively built products using Laravel because I like the experience writing applications using the simplest framework/stack available.

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