The error occurs when you trying to render a full page livewire component and you don't have a file named app.blade.php in resources/views/layouts
Assuming you have a livewire component called ShowPosts and you are trying to render it as a full page via web.php
Route::get('/post', ShowPosts::class);
The file will look for the app.blade.php to where this livewire component will be embedded to. If you have created any, it will throw the error
Livewire page component layout view not found: []
Check the following documentation:
Livewire 2:
Livewire 3:
Create this file or if you are using livewire 3, you can easily generate this file with
php artisan livewire:layout
Hi, my name is Roel. I am a TALL stack developer. I created this site to document all web applications I created using the TALL stack. I exclusively built products using Laravel because I like the experience writing applications using the simplest framework/stack available.