403 error when accessing filamentPHP admin panel

By: Roel
June 28, 2024

canAccesspanel for v3 instead of canaccessFilament ... also note the different of imported Classess


namespace App\Models;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;
use Filament\Panel;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
    // ...
    public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool
        return str_ends_with($this->email, '@yourdomain.com') && $this->hasVerifiedEmail();


namespace App\Models;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
    // ...
    public function canAccessFilament(): bool
        return str_ends_with($this->email, '@yourdomain.com') && $this->hasVerifiedEmail();

About the Author


Hi, my name is Roel. I am a TALL stack developer. I created this site to document all web applications I created using the TALL stack. I exclusively built products using Laravel because I like the experience writing applications using the simplest framework/stack available.

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